Slim Shady

Slim Shady

Eminem - Drug issues

Drug issues

Eminem has spoken about his addiction to prescription drugs, including Vicodin, Ambien, and Valium. His group-mate Proof from D12 stated that Eminem "sobered up" in 2002 from drug and alcohol dependence. During production of 8 Mile, Eminem worked on the set 16 hours a day and began to have trouble sleeping. An associate provided Eminem with an Ambien that effectively "knocked [him] out," which led him to get a prescription. This would be Eminem's first experience with drug addiction that would follow him for several years afterward. Near the end of production on Encore, Eminem would "just go into the studio and goof off [with] a pocketful of pills." Eminem began taking the drugs to "feel normal," which involved taking a "ridiculous amount […] I could consume anywhere from 40 to 60 Valium [in a day]. Vicodin maybe 30." Essentially, the drugs never allowed Eminem to sleep for more than two hours a night, after which he'd only take more. He grew to 230 pounds and was eating fast food regularly: "The kids behind the counter knew me – it wouldn't even faze them. Or I'd sit up at Denny's or Big Boy and just eat by myself. It was sad." Publicly, he became rather unrecognizable due to the added weight; once, he overheard two teens arguing whether it was him or not, maintaining that "Eminem ain't fat."

Eminem's struggle with prescription drugs peaked in a December 2007 overdose on methadone. He had first bought methadone from a dealer asserting it was "just like Vicodin, and easier on [your] liver." Eminem continued to buy more until collapsing in his bathroom one night, after which he was rushed to the hospital. Doctors informed him that he had taken the equivalent of four bags of heroin, and was "about two hours from dying." After missing Christmas with his children, Eminem checked himself out of the facilities and, not yet fully detoxed, was completely drained of strength. When he tore his meniscus "after falling asleep for literally 10 minutes," he underwent surgery; following this, he went home and had a seizure. He relapsed within three weeks, and after a month his addiction was in full swing again. He began to attend church meetings to get clean, but after being asked for autographs, he instead called a rehab counselor who helped him for the first time. Eminem began exercising and running excessively, and effectively went sober on April 20, 2008. Friend Elton John was a mentor during this time; John would call Eminem once a week to check on him.

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